We are a group of people who live locally who are campaigning to have our the Hackney community’s voices heard in proposals for the development of the Tesco site at 55 Morning Lane.
In 2017 Hackney Council built the site with £60 millon of public money and did a deal with the same developers that created the disastrous ‘Fashion Hub’. Without proper community consultation, they have made a plan which includes:
1. A smaller Tesco supermarket
2. Work units
3. Around 500 flats including 2 tower blocks of 19 storeys, NO council housing, and only 20% at so-called-affordable rents.
We do not want a repeat of the disastrous Fashion Hub which does not serve our community and where most of the units are empty. We need a development which houses, employs and supports local people.

In March 2022 that deal ended. We are now demanding that the Council work with us to create a people’s plan for the site.

Watch and Share the video below.

Join us in demanding a NEW plan including at least 50% council housing and a development that is informed by and useful for Hackney residents thus improving our quality of life.

To get updates from us, email us at morninglanepeoplesspace@gmail.com